GPS Enabled Buses:

Our all buses are bundled with Smart GPS System with features of location tracing to have interaction with bus staff and to find their location. This system sends SMS to the parents when the students alight from the vehicles in the school campus and again when they board the bus from the school. The parents can track the bus live on route.

CCTV surveillance:

All Buses are having CCTV Cameras installed for monitoring inside of the bus, so students can be observed for their activities and even their comfort while goinf from school or coming inside school.

Observation of School Staff:

Our school staff is promptly paying attention to monitor all buses while bording the bus from school and when students alight from the vehicles in school campus. They are always standing to support them.

Expert Driver Staff:

Scottish is very prompt for selection of the bus staff like Driver and Conductor. They have excellent working experience and devoted to their assigned task. They also support students on the way to school or home. They also keep observation while they are on the way.